Morais, ArmindoBatoréo, Hanna2020-02-182020-02-182013MORAIS , Armindo & BATORÉO, Hanna J. (2013). Quando e porquê contamos uma história? Narrativa e argumentação: o caso das narrativas conversacionais. In: Estudos Linguísticos/ Linguistic Studies, 8, Revista do Centro de Linguística da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Lisboa: Edições Colibri. 151-162. ISSN 1647-0346.1647-0346 the present paper we pretend to search an answer to the initial question presented in our title, asking when and why we tell stories within oral interaction. Based on the analysis of the conversational narratives from the corpus Morais (2011), and rooted in our previous research (Batoréo 2005, Morais 2006, Morais 2011, Morais & Batoréo 2012), we show that in nearly sixty per cent of all Conversational Narratives included in the analysed corpus stories are used in oral interaction as mere argumentative strategies, being either of (i) illustrative or of (ii) foundational character. While interacting verbally with others, the narrator uses his/her story as a discursive strategy, in order to exercise his/her verbal power and authority on other interveners, involving them emotionally in the interaction process.porConversational narrativesArgumentationDiscourse strategiesEvaluationOral interactionQuando e porquê contamos uma história? Narrativa e argumentação: o caso das narrativas conversacionaisjournal article