Barros, Celestino Lopes deRocio, VitorSousa, AndréParedes, HugoTeixeira, Olavo2023-01-312023-01-312022-12-12 2022. 7ª Conferência Internacional sobre "Fog e Mobile Edge Computing", realizada em Paris, França, de 12-15 de dezembro de 2022.Task scheduling in fog paradigm is very complex and, in the literature, according to the author’s knowledge there are still few studies. In the cloud architecture, it is widely studied, and, in much research, it is approached from the perspective of service providers. Trying to bring innovative contributions in these areas, in this paper, we propose a solution to the context-aware task-scheduling problem for fog paradigm. In our proposal, different context parameters are normalized through Min-Max normalization, requisition priorities are defined through the application of the Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) technique and scheduling is performed using Multi-Objective Non-Linear Programming Optimization (MONLIP) technique. The results obtained from simulations in the iFogSim toolkit, show that our proposal performs better compared to the non-context-aware proposals.engContext awarenessFog computing paradigmTask schedulingScheduling in fog paradigmContext-aware task scheduling slgorithm for the Fog paradigm: a model proposalconference object