Cardoso, João LuísGil, Fernando BragançaFerreira, Gaspar2015-03-112015-03-111979Cardoso, João Luís; Gil, Fernando Bragança; Ferreira, Gaspar - Análise por fluorescência de raios X de peças de cobre do castro de Leceia. "Setúbal Arqueológica" [Em linha]. ISSN 0872-3451. Vol. 5 (1979), p. 103-1160872-3451 pieces of the chalcolithic village of leceia (Estremadura-Portugal) have been analysed by the method of X-Ray fluorescence and revealed impurities; it is pointed out the fallibility of the conclusions based on this analysis, both in quality and quantity, of a restricted area, given the varia tion of the alloy composition in distinct zones of the same object. The pieces were described and filted in their archeological context.porArqueologiaEscavações arqueológicasRaios XUtensílios pré-históricosArtefactosCobreOeirasAnálise por fluorescência de raios X de peças de cobre do castro de Leceiajournal article