Amante, LúciaSouza, ElizabethTeixeira, AntónioPaz, JoãoPinto, Maria do Carmo Teixeira2023-01-092023-01-092022Amante, L., Sousa, E. J., Teixeira, A., Paz. J., Pinto, M.C.T. (2022). Unit 5.2: A framework for digital assessment, Module 5: Assessment and feedback as a part of teaching and learning. UNITEL eCourse: How to carry out high quality and learner-centered e-learning in Higher Education. https://moodle.iot.prismasense.com topic will present a framework for digital assessment and has the following objectives: Objective 1: To characterize the new culture of assessment, differentiating it from the traditional assessment culture Objective 2: To identify the main dimensions and parameters of the PrACT framework for digital assessment Objective 3: Analyze the concept of regulated learning and its relationship with Peer and SelfAssessment in Higher Education Objective 4: To distinguish digital tools, instruments and means of assessment Objective 5: To design a Digital Assessment PlanengDigital assessment frameworkPeer and self assessmentDigital assessment planUnit 5.2: A framework for digital assessment (Lecture Notes)Module 5: Assessment and feedback as a part of teaching and learning.UNITEL eCourse: How to carry out high quality and learner-centered e-learning in Higher Educationlearning object