Serranho, Pedro2011-10-312011-10-312007Serranho, Pedro - A hybrid method for inverse scattering for sound-soft obstacles in R3. "Inverse Problems and Imaging" [Em linha]. ISSN 1930-8337 (Print) 1930-8345 (Online). Vol. 1, nÂș 4 (2007), p. 1-211930-8337 present a hybrid method to numerically solve the inverse acoustic soundsoft obstacle scattering problem in R3, given the far-field pattern for one incident direction. This method combines ideas of both iterative and decomposition methods, inheriting advantages of each of them, such as getting good reconstructions and not needing a forward solver at each step. A related Newton method is presented to show convergence of the method and numerical results show its feasibility.engInverse scattering problemHybrid methodSound-soft obstacleNewton methodA hybrid method for inverse scattering for sound-soft obstacles in R3journal article