Leal Filho, WalterAzeiteiro, UlissesAlves, Fátima2019-01-182019-01-182016978-3-319-24660-4978-3-319-246581http://hdl.handle.net/10400.2/7860This introductory chapter outlines some of the key issues related to climate change and health, as well as some areas where action is needed, so as to allow a more systematic approach towards the problem. It outlines the challenges of Climate change to societies and its impacts on human health; considers the influence on various groups of stakeholders and suggests some measures, which may lead to a better understanding of the connections between human health and ever changing climate conditions.engClimate changeHealthSocietal challengesClimate change and health: an overview of the issues and needsbook part10.1007/978-3-319-24660-4_1