Teixeira, AntónioCabral, Pedro BarbosaPinto, Maria do Carmo Teixeira2023-09-262023-09-262019Teixeira, A., Cabral, P. B., Pinto, M. C. T. (2019). Attempting to regulate distance higher education: reflections of the portuguese experience, In A. Volungeviciene, A. Szucs (Eds). Connecting through Educational Technology. Book of Abstracts EDEN 2019 Annual Conference, pp. 36, Bruges: EDEN978-615-5511-26-42707-2819http://hdl.handle.net/10400.2/15002In this paper, the authors analyse the RJED draft proposal, highlighting its most controversial aspects, as the limitations it imposes to pedagogical innovation and the specialized role it awards to UAb, and discussing the potential impact such regulations can have in the development of the higher education sector in Europe.engDistance learningLegal framework for higher distance educationRegulation portuguese distance learningAttempting to regulate distance higher education: reflections of the portuguese experienceconference object