Correia, AntónioFonseca, BenjamimParedes, HugoMartins, PauloMorgado, Leonel2015-12-102015-12-102016Correia, António [et al.] - Computer-simulated 3D virtual environments in collaborative learning and training: meta-review, refinement, and roadmap. In Handbook on 3D3C Platforms. Editado por Yesha Sivan. [S.l.] : Springer International Publishing, 2016. ISBN 978-3-319-22041-3 (Online). p. 403-440978-3-319-22041-3978-3-319-22040-6 3D virtual environments in collaborative learning and training: meta-review, refinement, and roadmapbook part2015-11-1310.1007/978-3-319-22041-3_15