Lattke, SusanneMorgado, LeonelAfonso, Ana PaulaPenicheiro, FilipeMorgado, LinaMoreira, J. António2021-07-052021-07-052021-05-17978-1-7348995-2-8/21 2021. Online and in Virtual Reality (17 May - 10 June, 2021)The paper presents the e-facilitator concept and explores the perspective of some professionals in the field (stakeholders) on this role and its competencies. Facilitation in virtual learning environments is a growing challenge when more and more learners find their way to online learning platforms and many universities adapt their courses to digital environments since the global pandemic forced many people to stay at home.engE-learningVirtual learning facilitatorsEfacilitatorsImmersing e-facilitatorsWork-in-progress - Immersing E-facilitators in training: the perspective of Project FAVILLE - facilitators of virtual learningconference object2021-07-03cv-prod-254571110.23919/iLRN52045.2021.9459355