Fernandes, SandraAraújo, AlexandraMiguel, I.Abelha, Marta2023-03-172023-03-172023-03-15Fernandes, S.; Araújo, A.M.; Miguel, I.; ABELHA, M. (2023). Teacher Professional Development in Higher Education: The Impact of Pedagogical Training Perceived by Teachers. Education Sciences, 13, 309. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13030309http://hdl.handle.net/10400.2/13505This paper aims to analyze the impact of a pedagogical training program aimed to promote teacher professional development in a higher education institution in Portugal. Based on a mixedmethods approach, the study evaluates the satisfaction of 36 higher education teachers with the pedagogical training program offered and discusses its impact on teachers’ perceptions of teaching practices, conceptions, and professional development. The results from the questionnaires applied to participants, including multiple choice questions and open-ended answers, indicate high satisfaction with the implemented training program. Based on this case study, the authors discuss the implications of findings for teacher professional development and identify key characteristics for the design of successful pedagogical training programs in higher education.engHigher educationPedagogical trainingTeacher professional developmentTeacher professional development in higher education: the impact of pedagogical training perceived by teachersjournal articlehttps://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13030309