Jacquinet, MarcNobre, Ângela LacerdaDuarte, RogérioPimentel, FernandoSilva, Maria2024-08-022024-08-022019-07-07Jacquinet, M., Lacerda-Nobre, A., Silva, M.L., Duarte, R., Pimentel, F., (2019). Open Science, Open Innovation and IS Governance. In Atas X Encontro Investigadores da Qualidade: Qualidade, Investigação e Desenvolvimento (pp. 364). Rede de Investigadores da Qualidade.ISSN 2183-14082183-1408http://hdl.handle.net/10400.2/16354RIQUAL - Rede de Investigadores da Qualidade. Encontro realizado no Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Setúbal (Portugal), 7 de junho de 2019.The capacity to build trust and openness is a critical factor for times of change. Indeed, the power of collaborative work and learning represents the building blocks of future societies. Competitiveness and innovation will need to promote cooperative behaviour as a form of overcoming the magnitude of changes that have to be faced. Such panorama is already present in agendas for action based in Open Science and in Open Innovation paradigms.porOpen scienceCiência abertaOpen Science, open innovation and IS governanceconference object