Ribeiro, António LopesMoura, Ana Pinto deCunha, Luís Miguel2023-07-242023-07-242016Ribeiro, A. L., Moura, A. P., & Cunha, L. M. (2016). Consumer’s valuation and quality perception of kid’s meat from traditional “cabrito da Gralheira”: Protected geographical indication. In K. Kristbergsson, & J. Oliveira (Eds.), Traditional foods (pp. 17-30). Boston, MA: Springerhttp://hdl.handle.net/10400.2/14580During the last years, there has been an increased interest in traditional food products (TFP), which are linked to a place or region of origin. Two main drivers may explain this trend: the increasing policy support, particularly within the European Union (EU), and the consumer demand for TFP.engConsumer’s valuation and quality perception of kid’s meat from traditional “Cabrito da Gralheira”: protected geographical indicationbook part10.1007/978-3-319-24660-4