Moura, João MartinhoSousa, JorgeBranco, PedroMarcos, Adérito2012-12-142012-12-142008-11Marcos, Adérito [et al.] - You move you interact: a full-body dance in-between reality and virtuality. In Artech 2008. International Conference on Digital Arts, 4, Porto, 2008. "Proceedings of the 4th International..." [Em linha]. Editado por Álvaro Barbosa. Porto: Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Escola das Artes, 2008. ISBN 978-898-95776-3-3. p. 49-54978-989-95776-3-3 (You Move You Interact) is an interactive digital installation designed to encourage a body performing dialogue with an artificial system, uncovering an ongoing interchange between the body kinetic universe and the audivisual imagery embodied in the interface. YMYI sets a stage where body gestures and movements guide a audiovisual installation invoking an imaginary of body expressiveness.engDigital artMultimodal interfacesExpressive gesturePerforming artYou move you interact:a full-body dance in-between reality and virtualityconference object