Teixeira, AntónioPaz, JoãoPinto, Maria do Carmo Teixeira2024-01-172024-01-172022Teixeira, A., Paz, J., Pinto, M.C.T. (2022). Unit 2.6 Open Educational Resources (OER) and MOOCs in online-oriented STEM teaching, Module 2: Student-centered learning in practice and in STEM. UNITEL eCourse: How to carry out high quality and learner-centered e-learning in Higher Education, https://moodle.iot.prismasense.comhttp://hdl.handle.net/10400.2/15519Objective 1: to recognise the different movements promoting openness in science research, innovation and education and identify synergies and interconnections between them. Objective 2: to characterize Open Educational Resources (OERs) and identify its typical features and contexts of use. Objective 3: to distinguish MOOCs according to different design patterns and select the most appropriate to each given learning need. Objective 4: to search, find and assess OERs and MOOCs for STEM teaching and learning situations. Objective 5: to implement Open Educational Practices in STEM teaching and learning.engOERUnit 2.6: Open Educational Resources (OER) and MOOCs in online-oriented STEM teaching (Lecture Notes)Module 2: Student-centered learning in practice and in STEMUNITEL eCourse: How to carry out high quality and learner-centered e-learning in Higher Educationlearning object