Gonçalves, CéliaUmbelino, CláudiaGomes, AnaGonçalves, CésarCosta, ClaudiaBelmiro, JoanaCascalheira, JoãoCardoso, João LuísRodrigues, JoséAndré, LinoZacarias, MarielbaÉvora, MarinaFigueiredo, MauroBicho, NunoMonteiro, PatríciaGodinho, Ricardo MiguelMatias, RoxaneAldeias, Vera2025-01-032025-01-032020Gonçalves et al 2020, Muge Portal: A new digital platform for the last hunter-gatherers of the Tagus Valley, Portugal, 10th International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe (MESO), Toulouse, Francehttp://hdl.handle.net/10400.2/17083This work presents ”The Muge Shellmiddens Project: a new portal for the last hunter-gatherers of the Tagus Valley, Portugal” that focuses on the requalification and valorization of the archaeological and paleoanthropological heritage of the Mesolithic complex of Muge (Tagus Valley, Portugal), classified as Portuguese National Monument since 2011. It is a new multidisciplinary and innovative approach that involves the development of cybernetic infrastructures and e-science initiatives, that in turn will allow: (1) a systematization of the archaeological data collected over the last 150 years in Muge, implementing an online database that offers the possibility of storing, consulting and performing analytical-interpretative and spa- tial queries of archaeological, paleoanthropological, paleoenvironmental and historiographic data; (2) the creation of interactive didactic and dissemination contents based on augmented and virtual reality technologies. With these approaches, the project intends to promote a new path of scientific and cultural access to the Muge shellmiddens, transporting the Mesolithic to the present in a vibrant, as well as informative way.engMesolithicHeritageArchaeological databaseAugmented and virtual realityMuge Portal: a new digital platform for the last hunter-gatherers of the Tagus Valley, Portugalconference object