Bessa, MárioCarvalho, MariaRodrigues, Alexandre A. P.2023-05-302023-05-302017M. Bessa, M. Carvalho. A. Rodrigues, A note on reversibility and Pell equations, Boletim da SPM 75, 49-62, 2017 note concerns hyperbolic toral automorphisms which are reversible with respect to a linear area-preserving involution. Due to the low dimension, we will be able to associate the reversibility with a generalized Pell equation from whose set of solutions we will infer further information. Additionally, we will show that reversibility is a rare feature and will characterize the generic setting.engHyperbolic toral automorphismsReversibilityGeneralized Pell equationsA note on reversibility and Pell equationsjournal article