Paquete, HugoBastos, Paulo BernardinoMarcos, Adérito2020-02-132020-02-132019Paquete H., Bastos P. B, Marcos A. (2019) “Ao som dos fluxos da informação: processos de sonificação nas artes sonoras”, In Livro de Atas de AVANCA | CINEMA 2019, Conferência Internacional de Cinema - Arte, Tecnologia, Comunicação, (A.C. Valente, Ed.) Avanca, Portugal, 22-26 de julho de 2019, Capítulo I - Cinema | Arte, (pp. 1-10), ISSN: 2184-0520.2184-0520ção apresentada na "Conferência internacional de Cinema - Arte, Tecnologia, Comunicação", AVANCA | CINEMA 2019".This essay tries to analyse the impact of the sonification processes in the sound arts, analysing their first and second order modes proposed by Scot Lancaster. This is achieved exploring the definition of their new production methodologies, philosophical implications and conceptual significance taking as examples artistic practical artworks analysed as speculative critical systems I, II, and III. It also explores the artistic trends that have been observed since 1990 in the post-digital aesthetics outside the aesthetics of failure. These artistic practices consist of generating art works based in the data-flows from geology, electromagnetism, nature, economics or other disciplines and practices to convert them into sound events originated outside the physic of sound as non-vibration forces. That is associated in my argument as data-event-sound with a new ontology. This allows a secondary ontology outside the forces that animate the understanding of sound as vibration. The sound is presented as translation of the data-information-flows establishing a relationship with the concept of appearance and form explored by Susanne Langer, opening the understanding of the work of art as a system of interdependent relations in the meta-medium of the digital-art. It generates new ways of understanding sound as mutation in which digital, biology, culture and spiritual establish interconnections between the computer as a digital domain in a landscape of code, promoting complex regimes of laminar-perception. These connections of meaning must be discussed in sound studies because they represent asymptomatic effects of the digital in life, art and the post-digital aesthetic momentum.porArtes-sonorasSonificaçãoData-Evento-SonoroPós-digitalTecnoculturaAo som dos fluxos da informação: processos de sonificação nas artes sonorasbook part